'Halal BEEF recipes/Muslim recipes/Muslim food/Chinese halal food Halal Cooking Method/Best muslim cooking 【Fried boletus】 Ingredients: Boletus, garlic, chili, rapeseed oil, salt step: 1. Clean the boletus and cut into thin slices; 2. Slice garlic and cut dried chili into small sections; 3. Pour oil in the pot, pour the boletus, and stir-fry for 10 minutes on medium heat; 4. Add garlic, fry for 2 minutes and take it out; 5. Pour dry chilies into the pot and fry for 30 minutes; 6. Add the fried boletus, fry for 3 minutes, add salt; 7. Fried boletus are OK. 【warning】 Boletus is poisonous, While cooking, You must have enough time, otherwise Will be poisoned and produce hallucinations 炒牛肝菌 配料: 牛肝菌、大蒜、乾辣椒、菜籽油、鹽 步驟: 1.牛肝菌清洗乾淨,切薄片; 2.大蒜切片,乾辣椒剪小段; 3.鍋中倒油,倒入牛肝菌,中火炒10分鐘; 4.加入大蒜,炒2分鐘後取出; 5.鍋中倒入乾辣椒,炒30炒; 6.加入炒過的牛肝菌,炒3分鐘,加鹽; 7.炒牛肝菌OK. 警告 牛肝菌有毒, 烹飪的時候, 一定要炒足時間, 否則 會中毒產生幻覺 【BGM】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtDdPEyDdQ8 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 如果朋友们喜欢我的视频,别忘了订阅我的频道哦!! 【老太阿蕊 Laotai Arui】https://bit.ly/LaotaiArui Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/laotai.rui 打开小铃铛,精彩美食不容错过! #老太阿蕊#LaotaiArui#清真菜#'
Tags: Islam , chinese food , chinese food recipes , Muslim food , halal cooking , 老太阿蕊 , Laotai Arui , Laotaiarui , 雲南美食 , 雲南 , 云南美食 , Chinese Muslim food , Chinese halal food , halaf food , chinese halal food recipes , Islam food , halal china , Muslim china , Islamic china , Muslim yummy cooking , Muslim yummy food , MUSLIM COOKING , 清真菜 , Mushroom recipes halal , Fried boletus
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